Roman : Des sourires pour chacun
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Texte de Marie LEROY - JOUVENET-PAGES du 3 juillet 2015
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Ouvrage : J'aurais donné le reste de ma vie...
Bénédicte POUSSIN a la plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie de son recueil de nouvelles
"J'aurais donné le reste de ma vie...".
Below, you can view the 1st and 4th cover and press articles (click images to enlarge).
Release from April 30, 2013 the SOCIETE DES ECRIVAINS.
The book (136 pages, 12 euros) will be available in bookshops, Fnac and internet ...
The Word of the artist
Matisse used to say: "You want to paint ? Begin by cutting out your tongue as from now on you will speak only through your paintbrush".
That is why it is so difficult for me to speak about my work.
I shall try, however, to put down a few thoughts on the subject of a pleasure which may be painful.
I travel as often as possible to observe colours, atmospheres, the rythm of nature. I use sketches or photographs to remind me of my journeys once I start painting. I paint many subjects often using a theme; I my paint them in many different ways using different kinds of materials; oil, acrylic or whatever.
I do not try to put literary or philosophical message in my work; painting offers a way of expressing myself freely.
The power of an artist lies in his ability to remove, to add, to change forms and patterns according to his whims and sensibility.
I don't believe in any blank-canvas crisis. Thanks to hard work, one finds or rather learns how to search for, to convey and to share emotions, that is to say, to tell life through colours, to paint dreams from life. For Nature is life and we are part if it.
What I write through painting interacts with matter : I want tu turn realism into poetry. I would like to render any subject in its sheer purity by keeping the atmosphere of a place while placing the anecdotal details in the background.
I think that flat tints can help to catch the light ; I paint from emotions I've experienced in complete harmony with myself, therefore, I feel serene and free.
November, 2002