Colette COCAGNE - Peinture, Abstrait
banniere FR RU


  • portrait

    Art(s) : Painting.
    Mouvement(s) : Abstract. Contemporary.

    FR Voir la fiche en Français


    20, rue Jean Moulin
    76300 Sotteville lès Rouen
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  • Criticism

    Although she lives in Sotteville, Colette COCAGNE creates her works in her studio in Darnétal near Rouen. Deeply interested in painting from all historical periods when it is of fine quality and contextually modern in concept, she could not help but follow the lessons given by Denis Godefroy. This allowed her to make a name for herself in group exhibitions dedicated to contemporary expression, such as at the UAP (Union des Arts Plastiques) in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, as well as the famous Penitents’ Cloister in Rouen that use to hold so many fine events, the original Galerie du Bellay in Mont-Saint-Aignan, the superb Abbey of Montivilliers, and finally Le Rive Gauche in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray. All the while, she continued her solo exhibitions, particularly at the theatre du Robec and the new and bright Espace UAP in Rouen. Her beautiful fluid and limpid painting style lends itself to evocation, while its initial abstract appearance reveals superb nuances and ample significative effects. These solicit first reflection then admiration, and express a captivating definition of the creations that are born of her supple and lively brushstroke. Through her paintings and underlying drawings, Colette COCAGNE reveals a temperament that generously and evidently links her faith in beauty, nature and the Impression, with a movement that is free, modern and full of charm. Nuances, light, and secretive and elegant colour impacts reproduce thoroughly understood motifs. Thus Colette COCAGNE conveys the beauty of transparency, shimmering water and atmosphere in suggestive bursts of colour. These enhance the observer’s perception of ambiance, and are magically transformed by a certain formal reality, which is in turn softened by freedom, mind and talent.

    André RUELLAN, art critic



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