Danièle CAVALLO - Peinture, Figuratif
banniere FR RU


  • portrait

    Art(s) : Painting.
    Mouvement(s) : Figurative.

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  • Criticism

    Painted in oil, or at times watercolour or gouache, the works of Danièle Cavallo at first glance reveal a real taste for transparency, while a curious and attractive style defines the perspective and relief of motifs. Moreover, a fine and clear linearity frames and structures each touch of colour. This fluidifies the work as a whole, providing it with a composition that is always lively and particularly elegant. From marine evocations to sumptuous floral compositions, Danièle Cavallo masters a whole range of limpid and original colours. The artist pays close attention to the Cotentin Peninsula, and nature in general, and is faithfully grateful to her travels and memories that nourish and energise her work. An appreciated exhibitor, and sought-after guest of honour at galleries and salons, the creator lets light comes through the pictorial element of her compositions, which are bold and contrasted despite their expressive finesse.

    André RUELLAN, art critic



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