Jean-Philippe VATTIER - Sculpture, Autres
banniere FR RU

Jean-Philippe VATTIER

  • portrait
    Born in 1962

    Art(s) : Sculpture.
    Mouvement(s) : Various.

    FR Voir la fiche en Français


    190 rue Haut de Robec
    76000 Rouen
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  • Criticism

    It has been a few years now that I have known Jean-Philippe Vattier and been frequenting his showroom in Rue Eau de Robec in Rouen. I followed him as a sculptor at first, and then as a pedagogue in the various workshops he organises there with his habitual cordiality. He was a jeweller in another life, but his bold and expressive temperament, which has compelled him to sculpt, carve, and model since his childhood, caused him to leave his precious stones and, with powerful elegance, tackle the different minerals which his artfrom renders equally precious. Yet it was his exhibition at the Benedictine Monastery of Rouen that to me confirmed the value of his inspiration, which he was able to skilfully bring to light in the venerated and welcoming cloister. His admirable, secretive and endearing works produce a beneficial and promising shock. Whether they be carved and chiselled in white and grey marble, in soapstone, or onyx, these fair-sized sculptures are personalised by Jean-Philippe Vattier thanks to their sleek and poetic shapes. Characterised by an expression of space, they reflect a realism of thought and reflection. Jean-Philippe Vattier knows this creative magic well, since his ventures as a jeweller successfully led him towards clay and stone. The boldness with which he first dominated his material was henceforth tempered by the caressing gentleness of smooth or wavy surfaces. Supple and effective curves individualise him and gently but irresistibly lead him towards the monumental.

    André RUELLAN, art critic



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