Cécile PIERRE - Peinture, Calligraphie
banniere FR RU


  • portrait

    Art(s) : Painting.
    Mouvement(s) : Calligraphy.

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  • Criticism

    By practicing calligraphy and photography with flare and virtuosity, Cécile Pierre proves how strong the link is between an age-old art form and this modern technique that is subject to constantly evolving technology. This artist’s merit therefore lies precisely in her ability to ally creation with the visual effectiveness of motifs and bewitching letters, and incorporate into this her natural sense of composition, light and the action defined by the photo. Applied to any support and on prepared backgrounds, Cécile Pierre’s calligraphy allows her to innovate and combine a fine gestural vigour with elegant rhythms. This gives rise to graphic and almost pictorial works of art in which mystery and dynamism are put to a gratifying test, that of an absolute art which explores rigour to obtain a definition full of unusual and very personal emotions. This exciting process can also be seen in her photography, where mind and eye are independent of gesture and the appeal of their artistic harmony is conferred to chemistry, mechanics, optics and now computer science, in order to build a method of reproducing the world that is idealised only by talent. With Cécile Pierre, even if the preparatory work for a shot is swifter, it resembles a painter’s analysis in terms of composition, contrasts, blacks and whites and colours. Plus there is that special something that comes of multiplying themes and effects ad infinitum. These range from a simple macro-photographed object to her monumental spaces and also beings, where the artist brilliantly and irrevocably discerns the eye-opening detail or amazing impression.

    André RUELLAN, art critic



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